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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Birthday Madness is Over

   It was a busy few weeks around here. My sweet little boy was turning 4 and I decided to throw him a "fish" themed birthday party. Right away I got started on some games for the kiddo's to play.
There was the bean-fish toss

   There was a magnet fishing game with a kiddie pool and a sand dig with little plastic sea creatures to find, but no pictures of either :(

   There were two babies that wouldn't be getting a goody bag so I made crinkle whales for them instead. The really loud Sunchip bags work great for this.

  And then there was the candy table
(again, not many good pics)

We had
  • Gummy Sharks
  • Swedish Fish
  • Gummy Worms
  • Gummy Fish
  • Gummy Slugs
  • Sour Gummy Worms
  • M&M equivalents
  • Dum-Dum Suckers
  • Salt-Water Taffy
  • Pixie Stix
  • Goldfish Crackers
Whew! There was a lot of candy. We had it at a park near our house so it was easy to clean it up and my house wasn't destroyed, thank goodness. The boy seems to be thrilled with his presents and we have an opportunity to donate many of his old well-loved ,i.e. destroyed, toys to the Goodwill. I'd say it was fairly successful.

   And in between all the birthday crafting that I did, I also managed to complete a dress for my mom, an appliqued shirt for me, modified uniforms for the husband, 3 pairs of earrings, binding on dinosaur blanket for the boy, tote bag for my Sister-in-law's birthday, a set of coasters for the house and I made time for my first Tattoo!

   Everyone who sees it says, "Of course! It suits you!"

  I think so too. I like it and once it's all healed I'll enjoy wearing my tank tops even more.

    Sorry this post is such a let down after me hyping it up and stuff. Note to self, take more photos.....