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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where did May go?

    Well, hello! It seems I missed the entire month of May on my blog. It was a good month mostly. Got a fair amount of sewing done, went to some birthday parties, had a birthday of my own (29 ouch... ) and watched my flowers and vegetables grow.

  The sewing I finished, including but not limited to these items:

Fabric flower for my shirt.

Linen skirt with lemons (ha! say that five times fast)
Needs a bit of an ironing, I know. I do love this skirt. I plan on making some more of these. It was Burda pattern 8090.

New diaper bag (because the old one smelled like spoiled milk...ewwww)

   I also finished a pair of knit shorts for the girl, traced from a pair of boys because she liked them so much. I believe they are in the laundry at this time so no pics of those.

 The sewing I attempted and abandoned were as follows (no pics):
  1. A 50's style dress muslin in which the sleeves resisted any and all efforts to fit properly.
  2. A practice blouse that fitted very oddly. I got it mostly finished and then quit before I put the collar on.
  3. A tank top out of knits for the wee little red headed devil in my life. I could not get the rib knit binding to cooperate at all.

   I keep a little book of my sewing projects. I write down what I'm aiming to do and I check it off and date it when I finish it. There are quite a few things on my list that never come into being but there are more things that do actually make it. I've finished more projects than this time last year, so cheers to being ahead of the curve! I think it's important to keep track of projects, finished or un.
   I have many more sewing projects in mind for the coming weeks. Hopefully there will be more finished than abandoned ones.


Liz said...

Do you get depressed when you abandon a project? Sometimes I get this feeling that I HAVE to finish it -- even though I know it's awful, won't fit etc.

I actually threw away a 1/2 finished project the other day (it was an early attempt at sewing with knits.) It felt so good to let it go...