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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Did you wear your party hats?

 Happy New Years!

   With two children it seems to be a low-key affair these days but fun none-the-less. It's also a birthday, hubby is 29! Eek!

   We had a lovely Christmas and the handmade gifts were well received. I demanded a handmade gift from my husband and he made me this on a pillowcase:

(Yes, we are gaming nerds)

   Still it was a lot of effort for my manly man to sit and patiently stitch it out. Lol.

   He also bought me a Husqavarna Huskylock s15 Serger. It's a little bit intimidating and I haven't quite managed to get the tensioning right on it yet. I'm going to scour google and pick the brains of all the sewing people I know to get it fixed up. Then I shall conquer the world! Mwahahaha!

   I'm working on a Sashiko stitched quilt for my husband and after that I'm thinking I need to try another garment for myself. Maybe I'll actually wear this one.

   Hope everyone had wonderful Holidays and feels ready for the New Year! See you, around.