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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
   So....It's been a while, eh? Busy busy here with Turkey Day preparations and such. We've been hittin the gym 3 to 4 times a week in the evenings so that eats up a bit of time too.
    The little one has really started to walk well. It's pretty funny because she's so short. Poor thing.
 I've been in the process of sewing her a coat since NOTHING is small enough for my child. Anything that is 12 months just about swallows her. I found a pattern for a lightweight coat and subbed in a nice fall suiting that feels like a soft wool but is some kind of a blend. I haven't cut the liner and I've never lined a garment before so this should be interesting, especially since there are no pattern pieces for a liner. Cross your fingers. I should have enough fabric left for a skirt for me and a jumper for her and maybe some owls. All that is likely on hold till after this Saturday. Lots of cleaning still to do....ugh...

  This is the coat in progress. I love the pattern and color. She seems to like it too. I tried it on her and she yelled at me when I took it off of her.

    I have managed to clean and organize 2 of the 3 closets in our house. Yay me! It was a bit of a job but I'm glad it's done. Now the problem is keeping them clean.
    I'll post some pics of the coat when it's all finished up, till then Happy Thanksgiving!