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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Adventures in Glitter

Wow. There are some times when you just stop and realize how neurotic you really are.
A few moments ago I was in the kitchen trying to make a birthday card for my father-in-law with Elliott's help. I have been trying to craft with him this Christmas now that he's old enough to do some things. I thought we could use the Martha Stewart glitter pack I purchased yesterday (30% off!). I put some glue on the page and gave him the bottle of glitter without even explaining how to shake gently so as not to use too much. I guess I was thinking he would somehow just intuitively know how to do this.
He immediately up-ends the bottle and douses the entire card with me saying "No, no you can't do it that way!" He's three fer cryin' out loud, how was he supposed to know this?
I didn't yell but I guess my tone of voice was enough because the tears came out and he no longer wanted to play with glitter..... Sigh, Parenting Epic Fail.
We'll try again tomorrow.