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I am a frazzled mother of 2 (4yrs and 14 months)that stays at home and attempts to keep house while crafting.
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What I'm Sewing To

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Evolution of a quilt

   Hello again! I've been busy working on an anniversary present for the hubby. Seven years on Feb 14th!
   When he was deployed to Iraq I crocheted him an immensely heavy blue and gray blanket and mailed it to him. I haven't made him much since then (except for a baby) so I thought it was time to make him his own quilt ;).

Me, Momma? Was I that baby?

It was me wasn't it....?

   The starting point for this was his love of dark colors and asian culture. I consulted with him and dug into my stash. The black front piece was a nice linen that I had been saving for a dress. I took that and did an imitation of Sashiko embroidery on it. The sun/moon/circle thingy is hand stitched. I couldn't leave it like that since the whole thing looked way too empty.

   We have always like the art of Hokusai and I remembered The Great Wave. Perfect! Now to execute...hmmm.

   I roughly drew it on the fabric first to get a feel for how much space it should take up on the bottom, then I taped together some freezer paper and drew it on there.

   I cut the shape of the wave out and started hunting for blue fabric in my stash. Right away I knew I didn't have enough of any one fabric to make the wave so I decided to piece it.
   I rounded up some blue canvas napkins, one of his old t-shirts and a scrap of blue cotton blender I had left from another quilt. I'm lazy and find traditional quilting boring so I pieced it all crazy like with knit pieces lying on top of canvas pieces and as few seams as possible. It was a bit challenging to get enough fabric to fill the bottom but I squeaked it out. Keeping with being lazy and my husband not liking raw edges I grabbed some white packaged seam binding and sewed it all around the wave.

   When that was done I pinned it on the black and took up my Sashiko again. I stitched the bold white lines by hand till it looked filled in enough.

   After that all I had to do was cut the grey border, sew it on, make the quilt sandwich and quilt it, trim the edges and sew the binding on. I used matching thread on the back and white through the blue waves, I switched to black on the linen which is why you can't see the quilt lines in the pictures.

   Whew! That was a really long winded post for me! Sorry if it bored you to tears. I promise I'll go back to my terse nature soon.
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Did you wear your party hats?

 Happy New Years!

   With two children it seems to be a low-key affair these days but fun none-the-less. It's also a birthday, hubby is 29! Eek!

   We had a lovely Christmas and the handmade gifts were well received. I demanded a handmade gift from my husband and he made me this on a pillowcase:

(Yes, we are gaming nerds)

   Still it was a lot of effort for my manly man to sit and patiently stitch it out. Lol.

   He also bought me a Husqavarna Huskylock s15 Serger. It's a little bit intimidating and I haven't quite managed to get the tensioning right on it yet. I'm going to scour google and pick the brains of all the sewing people I know to get it fixed up. Then I shall conquer the world! Mwahahaha!

   I'm working on a Sashiko stitched quilt for my husband and after that I'm thinking I need to try another garment for myself. Maybe I'll actually wear this one.

   Hope everyone had wonderful Holidays and feels ready for the New Year! See you, around.